Sample usage for ccg_semantics¶
Combinatory Categorial Grammar with semantics¶
>>> from nltk.ccg import chart, lexicon
>>> from nltk.ccg.chart import printCCGDerivation
No semantics¶
>>> lex = lexicon.fromstring('''
... :- S, NP, N
... She => NP
... has => (S\\NP)/NP
... books => NP
... ''',
... False)
>>> parser = chart.CCGChartParser(lex, chart.DefaultRuleSet)
>>> parses = list(parser.parse("She has books".split()))
>>> print(str(len(parses)) + " parses")
3 parses
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[0])
She has books
-----> # Импортирование библиотеки для работы с даннымиimport pandas as pd# Выгрузка данных из таблицыdata = pd.read_csv(r"", sep='^')# Генерирование 2ух мерного списка навыковsents = [sent.split(';') for sent in data['Навыки']]# Импортирование библиотеки FastTextfrom gensim.models.fasttext import FastText# Определение параметров обученияwindow_size = 5down_sampling = 1e-3# Обучение модели FastText на 2ух мерном списке навыковmodel = FastText(sentences=sents, window=window_size, sample=down_sampling, workers = 6)# Сохранение обученной модели"")
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[1])
She has books
# Импортирование библиотеки алгоретмической кластреризацииfrom sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering# Получение векторов модели FastTextword_vectors = model.wv.vectors# Определение колличества кластеровnum_clusters = 256# Алгоретмическая кластерезацияagg_clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=num_clusters, metric='euclidean').fit(word_vectors)# Получение меток каждого словаcluster_labels = agg_clustering.labels_# Создаине словаря где епждый уникальный навык определен в один из кластеровword_clusters = {}for word, label in zip(model.wv.key_to_index, cluster_labels): word_clusters[word] = labellist_of_clusters = []# Создания и отображения 2ух мерного списка навывков в кластерахfor cluster in range(num_clusters): print(f"Cluster {cluster+1}:") words = [word for word, label in word_clusters.items() if label == cluster] list_of_clusters.append(words) print(words) print()
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[2])
She has books
# Созддание словаря для форматирования данных в формат DataFrameimport pandas as pdres = []for sent in sents: tres = [] for item in sent: for cl in range(len(list_of_clusters)): if item in list_of_clusters[cl]: tres.append(cl) break res.append(set(tres))nav = {'Навыки': res}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[2])
She has books
# Запись csv файла, где названия навыков заменены на кластера ввв которые они вхоядт temp = pd.DataFrame(nav)data = pd.read_csv(r"", sep='^')data.pop('Навыки')ndata = pd.concat([data, temp], axis=1)ndata.to_csv(r"", sep='^', index=False)# Запись csv файла, где в каждый из калстеров зенесены названия навыков входящих в негоdict_clust = {'Навыки': list_of_clusters}cluster_el = pd.DataFrame(dict_clust)cluster_el.to_csv(r"", sep='^', index=False)
Simple semantics¶
>>> parser = chart.CCGChartParser(lex, chart.DefaultRuleSet)
>>> parses = list(parser.parse("She has a book".split()))
>>> print(str(len(parses)) + " parses")
7 parses
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[0])
She has a book
NP {she} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.have(y,x)} (NP/N) {\P.exists z.P(z)} N {book}
NP {exists}
(S\NP) {\y.have(y,exists}
S {have(she,exists}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[1])
She has a book
NP {she} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.have(y,x)} (NP/N) {\P.exists z.P(z)} N {book}
((S\NP)/N) {\P y.have(y,exists z.P(z))}
(S\NP) {\y.have(y,exists}
S {have(she,exists}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[2])
She has a book
NP {she} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.have(y,x)} (NP/N) {\P.exists z.P(z)} N {book}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(she)}
NP {exists}
(S\NP) {\y.have(y,exists}
S {have(she,exists}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[3])
She has a book
NP {she} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.have(y,x)} (NP/N) {\P.exists z.P(z)} N {book}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(she)}
((S\NP)/N) {\P y.have(y,exists z.P(z))}
(S\NP) {\y.have(y,exists}
S {have(she,exists}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[4])
She has a book
NP {she} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.have(y,x)} (NP/N) {\P.exists z.P(z)} N {book}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(she)}
(S/NP) {\x.have(she,x)}
NP {exists}
S {have(she,exists}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[5])
She has a book
NP {she} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.have(y,x)} (NP/N) {\P.exists z.P(z)} N {book}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(she)}
((S\NP)/N) {\P y.have(y,exists z.P(z))}
(S/N) {\P.have(she,exists z.P(z))}
S {have(she,exists}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[6])
She has a book
NP {she} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.have(y,x)} (NP/N) {\P.exists z.P(z)} N {book}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(she)}
(S/NP) {\x.have(she,x)}
(S/N) {\P.have(she,exists z.P(z))}
S {have(she,exists}
Complex semantics¶
>>> lex = lexicon.fromstring('''
... :- S, NP, N
... She => NP {she}
... has => (S\\NP)/NP {\\x y.have(y, x)}
... a => ((S\\NP)\\((S\\NP)/NP))/N {\\P R x.(exists z.P(z) & R(z,x))}
... book => N {book}
... ''',
... True)
>>> parser = chart.CCGChartParser(lex, chart.DefaultRuleSet)
>>> parses = list(parser.parse("She has a book".split()))
>>> print(str(len(parses)) + " parses")
2 parses
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[0])
She has a book
NP {she} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.have(y,x)} (((S\NP)\((S\NP)/NP))/N) {\P R x.(exists z.P(z) & R(z,x))} N {book}
((S\NP)\((S\NP)/NP)) {\R x.(exists & R(z,x))}
(S\NP) {\x.(exists & have(x,z))}
S {(exists & have(she,z))}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[1])
She has a book
NP {she} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.have(y,x)} (((S\NP)\((S\NP)/NP))/N) {\P R x.(exists z.P(z) & R(z,x))} N {book}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(she)}
((S\NP)\((S\NP)/NP)) {\R x.(exists & R(z,x))}
(S\NP) {\x.(exists & have(x,z))}
S {(exists & have(she,z))}
Using conjunctions¶
# TODO: The semantics of “and” should have been more flexible >>> lex = lexicon.fromstring(‘’’ … :- S, NP, N … I => NP {I} … cook => (S\NP)/NP {\x y.cook(x,y)} … and => var\.,var/.,var {\P Q x y.(P(x,y) & Q(x,y))} … eat => (S\NP)/NP {\x,y)} … the => NP/N {\x.the(x)} … bacon => N {bacon} … ‘’’, … True)
>>> parser = chart.CCGChartParser(lex, chart.DefaultRuleSet) >>> parses = list(parser.parse("I cook and eat the bacon".split())) >>> print(str(len(parses)) + " parses") 7 parses>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[0]) I cook and eat the bacon NP {I} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.cook(x,y)} ((_var0\.,_var0)/.,_var0) {\P Q x y.(P(x,y) & Q(x,y))} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x,y)} (NP/N) {\x.the(x)} N {bacon} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (((S\NP)/NP)\.,((S\NP)/NP)) {\Q x y.(eat(x,y) & Q(x,y))} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.(eat(x,y) & cook(x,y))} -------------------------------> NP {the(bacon)} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (S\NP) {\y.(eat(the(bacon),y) & cook(the(bacon),y))} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< S {(eat(the(bacon),I) & cook(the(bacon),I))}>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[1]) I cook and eat the bacon NP {I} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.cook(x,y)} ((_var0\.,_var0)/.,_var0) {\P Q x y.(P(x,y) & Q(x,y))} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x,y)} (NP/N) {\x.the(x)} N {bacon} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (((S\NP)/NP)\.,((S\NP)/NP)) {\Q x y.(eat(x,y) & Q(x,y))} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.(eat(x,y) & cook(x,y))} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->B ((S\NP)/N) {\x y.(eat(the(x),y) & cook(the(x),y))} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (S\NP) {\y.(eat(the(bacon),y) & cook(the(bacon),y))} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< S {(eat(the(bacon),I) & cook(the(bacon),I))}>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[2]) I cook and eat the bacon NP {I} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.cook(x,y)} ((_var0\.,_var0)/.,_var0) {\P Q x y.(P(x,y) & Q(x,y))} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x,y)} (NP/N) {\x.the(x)} N {bacon} -------->T (S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (((S\NP)/NP)\.,((S\NP)/NP)) {\Q x y.(eat(x,y) & Q(x,y))} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.(eat(x,y) & cook(x,y))} -------------------------------> NP {the(bacon)} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (S\NP) {\y.(eat(the(bacon),y) & cook(the(bacon),y))} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> S {(eat(the(bacon),I) & cook(the(bacon),I))}>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[3]) I cook and eat the bacon NP {I} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.cook(x,y)} ((_var0\.,_var0)/.,_var0) {\P Q x y.(P(x,y) & Q(x,y))} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x,y)} (NP/N) {\x.the(x)} N {bacon} -------->T (S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (((S\NP)/NP)\.,((S\NP)/NP)) {\Q x y.(eat(x,y) & Q(x,y))} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.(eat(x,y) & cook(x,y))} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->B ((S\NP)/N) {\x y.(eat(the(x),y) & cook(the(x),y))} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (S\NP) {\y.(eat(the(bacon),y) & cook(the(bacon),y))} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> S {(eat(the(bacon),I) & cook(the(bacon),I))}>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[4]) I cook and eat the bacon NP {I} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.cook(x,y)} ((_var0\.,_var0)/.,_var0) {\P Q x y.(P(x,y) & Q(x,y))} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x,y)} (NP/N) {\x.the(x)} N {bacon} -------->T (S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (((S\NP)/NP)\.,((S\NP)/NP)) {\Q x y.(eat(x,y) & Q(x,y))} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.(eat(x,y) & cook(x,y))} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->B (S/NP) {\x.(eat(x,I) & cook(x,I))} -------------------------------> NP {the(bacon)} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> S {(eat(the(bacon),I) & cook(the(bacon),I))}>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[5]) I cook and eat the bacon NP {I} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.cook(x,y)} ((_var0\.,_var0)/.,_var0) {\P Q x y.(P(x,y) & Q(x,y))} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x,y)} (NP/N) {\x.the(x)} N {bacon} -------->T (S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (((S\NP)/NP)\.,((S\NP)/NP)) {\Q x y.(eat(x,y) & Q(x,y))} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.(eat(x,y) & cook(x,y))} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->B ((S\NP)/N) {\x y.(eat(the(x),y) & cook(the(x),y))} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->B (S/N) {\x.(eat(the(x),I) & cook(the(x),I))} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> S {(eat(the(bacon),I) & cook(the(bacon),I))}>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[6]) I cook and eat the bacon NP {I} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.cook(x,y)} ((_var0\.,_var0)/.,_var0) {\P Q x y.(P(x,y) & Q(x,y))} ((S\NP)/NP) {\x,y)} (NP/N) {\x.the(x)} N {bacon} -------->T (S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> (((S\NP)/NP)\.,((S\NP)/NP)) {\Q x y.(eat(x,y) & Q(x,y))} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------< ((S\NP)/NP) {\x y.(eat(x,y) & cook(x,y))} --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->B (S/NP) {\x.(eat(x,I) & cook(x,I))} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->B (S/N) {\x.(eat(the(x),I) & cook(the(x),I))} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> S {(eat(the(bacon),I) & cook(the(bacon),I))}
Tests from published papers¶
An example from “CCGbank: A Corpus of CCG Derivations and Dependency Structures Extracted from the Penn Treebank”, Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2007, Page 359,
>>> lex = lexicon.fromstring('''
... :- S, NP
... I => NP {I}
... give => ((S\\NP)/NP)/NP {\\x y z.give(y,x,z)}
... them => NP {them}
... money => NP {money}
... ''',
... True)
>>> parser = chart.CCGChartParser(lex, chart.DefaultRuleSet)
>>> parses = list(parser.parse("I give them money".split()))
>>> print(str(len(parses)) + " parses")
3 parses
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[0])
I give them money
NP {I} (((S\NP)/NP)/NP) {\x y z.give(y,x,z)} NP {them} NP {money}
((S\NP)/NP) {\y z.give(y,them,z)}
(S\NP) {\z.give(money,them,z)}
S {give(money,them,I)}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[1])
I give them money
NP {I} (((S\NP)/NP)/NP) {\x y z.give(y,x,z)} NP {them} NP {money}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)}
((S\NP)/NP) {\y z.give(y,them,z)}
(S\NP) {\z.give(money,them,z)}
S {give(money,them,I)}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[2])
I give them money
NP {I} (((S\NP)/NP)/NP) {\x y z.give(y,x,z)} NP {them} NP {money}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)}
((S\NP)/NP) {\y z.give(y,them,z)}
(S/NP) {\y.give(y,them,I)}
S {give(money,them,I)}
An example from “CCGbank: A Corpus of CCG Derivations and Dependency Structures Extracted from the Penn Treebank”, Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2007, Page 359,
>>> lex = lexicon.fromstring('''
... :- N, NP, S
... money => N {money}
... that => (N\\N)/(S/NP) {\\P Q x.(P(x) & Q(x))}
... I => NP {I}
... give => ((S\\NP)/NP)/NP {\\x y z.give(y,x,z)}
... them => NP {them}
... ''',
... True)
>>> parser = chart.CCGChartParser(lex, chart.DefaultRuleSet)
>>> parses = list(parser.parse("money that I give them".split()))
>>> print(str(len(parses)) + " parses")
3 parses
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[0])
money that I give them
N {money} ((N\N)/(S/NP)) {\P Q x.(P(x) & Q(x))} NP {I} (((S\NP)/NP)/NP) {\x y z.give(y,x,z)} NP {them}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)}
((S\NP)/NP) {\y z.give(y,them,z)}
(S/NP) {\y.give(y,them,I)}
(N\N) {\Q x.(give(x,them,I) & Q(x))}
N {\x.(give(x,them,I) & money(x))}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[1])
money that I give them
N {money} ((N\N)/(S/NP)) {\P Q x.(P(x) & Q(x))} NP {I} (((S\NP)/NP)/NP) {\x y z.give(y,x,z)} NP {them}
(N/(N\N)) {\F.F(money)}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)}
((S\NP)/NP) {\y z.give(y,them,z)}
(S/NP) {\y.give(y,them,I)}
(N\N) {\Q x.(give(x,them,I) & Q(x))}
N {\x.(give(x,them,I) & money(x))}
>>> printCCGDerivation(parses[2])
money that I give them
N {money} ((N\N)/(S/NP)) {\P Q x.(P(x) & Q(x))} NP {I} (((S\NP)/NP)/NP) {\x y z.give(y,x,z)} NP {them}
(N/(N\N)) {\F.F(money)}
(N/(S/NP)) {\P x.(P(x) & money(x))}
(S/(S\NP)) {\F.F(I)}
((S\NP)/NP) {\y z.give(y,them,z)}
(S/NP) {\y.give(y,them,I)}
N {\x.(give(x,them,I) & money(x))}
>>> from nltk.ccg import lexicon
Parse lexicon with semantics
>>> print(str(lexicon.fromstring(
... '''
... :- S,NP
... IntransVsg :: S\\NP[sg]
... sleeps => IntransVsg {\\x.sleep(x)}
... eats => S\\NP[sg]/NP {\\x,y)}
... and => var\\var/var {\\x y.x & y}
... ''',
... True
... )))
and => ((_var0\_var0)/_var0) {(\x y.x & y)}
eats => ((S\NP['sg'])/NP) {\x,y)}
sleeps => (S\NP['sg']) {\x.sleep(x)}
Parse lexicon without semantics
>>> print(str(lexicon.fromstring(
... '''
... :- S,NP
... IntransVsg :: S\\NP[sg]
... sleeps => IntransVsg
... eats => S\\NP[sg]/NP {sem=\\x,y)}
... and => var\\var/var
... ''',
... False
... )))
and => ((_var0\_var0)/_var0)
eats => ((S\NP['sg'])/NP)
sleeps => (S\NP['sg'])
Semantics are missing
>>> print(str(lexicon.fromstring(
... '''
... :- S,NP
... eats => S\\NP[sg]/NP
... ''',
... True
... )))
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: eats => S\NP[sg]/NP must contain semantics because include_semantics is set to True
CCG combinator semantics computation¶
>>> from nltk.sem.logic import *
>>> from nltk.ccg.logic import *
>>> read_expr = Expression.fromstring
Compute semantics from function application
>>> print(str(compute_function_semantics(read_expr(r'\x.P(x)'), read_expr(r'book'))))
>>> print(str(compute_function_semantics(read_expr(r'\P.P(book)'), read_expr(r'read'))))
>>> print(str(compute_function_semantics(read_expr(r'\P.P(book)'), read_expr(r'\'))))
Compute semantics from composition
>>> print(str(compute_composition_semantics(read_expr(r'\x.P(x)'), read_expr(r'\x.Q(x)'))))
>>> print(str(compute_composition_semantics(read_expr(r'\x.P(x)'), read_expr(r'read'))))
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: `read` must be a lambda expression
Compute semantics from substitution
>>> print(str(compute_substitution_semantics(read_expr(r'\x y.P(x,y)'), read_expr(r'\x.Q(x)'))))
>>> print(str(compute_substitution_semantics(read_expr(r'\x.P(x)'), read_expr(r'read'))))
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: `\x.P(x)` must be a lambda expression with 2 arguments
Compute type-raise semantics
>>> print(str(compute_type_raised_semantics(read_expr(r'\x.P(x)'))))
\F x.F(P(x))
>>> print(str(compute_type_raised_semantics(read_expr(r'\x.F(x)'))))
\F1 x.F1(F(x))
>>> print(str(compute_type_raised_semantics(read_expr(r'\x y z.P(x,y,z)'))))
\F x y z.F(P(x,y,z))